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Friday, June 1, 2012

Vanda coerulea


        Vanda coerulea, commonly known as Blue Vanda or Autumn Lady's Tresses, is a species of orchid endemic (meaning that it is native or indigenous) to Assam and neighboring Khasi hills with its range extending to China. It has bluish purple flowers which are very long lasting compared to other orchids. The juice of the flower is used as eye drops for glaucoma, cataract and blindness. Active ingredients of Vanda coerulea may fight against visible signs of aging skin.
        I received this plant 20 months ago to the date. I had bought it at the South Florida Orchid Society show at the University of Miami on 10/01/10. I only remember the date because my wife was doing our friends wedding hair that day. While she went and worked, I got to drive down to the university and check out the show. I believe this plant cam from R.F. Orchids and this is the third time it has bloomed for me. I love coerulea flowers and have a few here and there. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Beautiful......Had one once But could not rebloom it. Please post a pic of your greenhouse.
    Bob Martin, member SAOS

    1. You can friend me on Facebook and then look under my greenhouse folder. I have everything from building to filled up there. Thanks!
